Kiki, the dolphin,
meets people

People adore dolphins.
This is because dolphins are
very clever and beautiful.

Dolphins have a very
interesting life!

Dolphins look friendly
because it seems like they're
always smiling, even when
there're unhappy sometimes.

Kiki was born in a warm faraway sea.
He didn't know then about the
adventures that lay ahead...

Dolphins are not fish. They are mammals just like us. TheMother feeds the little one with milk and does not leave her child until it grows older. Grown-ups teach the little ones everything they know and do. Also, dolphins, just like people, give their children names..

Kiki's mother was so kind and caring. Their friends
and family helped them to hunt and defended them
from any danger. Kiki's relatives and elders taught him
how to catch fish and find something to eat at the
bottom of the sea.

Kiki met many friends. They played
together and hunted for fish to eat.
Once they even saw sleeping whales!
Kiki wanted to take a closer look at

"Stop! You will wake them up! Look at
them, they are so huge!" said Kiki's
friends, "You are so curious, Kiki..."

But the whales turned out to be
very kind and they only whispered,
"Silence, sweetie, silence…"

Dolphins eat fish and squid and often hunt in
groups. They communicate with each other by
whistling and clicking. They can even
understand other animals, for example whales.

Soon Kiki's big family set off to travel
around the ocean. They swam and sometimes
dived so deep to catch some fish.

This is how Kiki got to know that there
were many beautiful and amazing
creatures living in the ocean.

Dolphins swim very fast and dive very deep! They, just
like us, breathe air. That is why dolphins need to come
to the surface to breathe. But they can hold their
breath for a very long time.

Close to the shore, where the most beautiful corals
and colourful fishes were, Kiki's older brother got
tangled in some fishermen's nets.

Kiki's brother hurt his fins
and could not swim anymore.

Older dolphins helped him to come up to the surface
to breathe and fed him until he was better.

Dolphins help each other in dangerous
situations. Sometimes they even save
people who get into trouble in the sea.

One day something terrible happened. Kiki
and his friends were entangled within some
nets that appeared out of nowhere.

They fought desperately to escape, but the
tricky people caught them and locked them
in a cage.

Kiki was very sad as he looked out into
the ocean that he could not reach.

Most people like dolphins but some of them do
not care about their wellbeing. There are people
who catch dolphins for money and sell them to
dolphinariums or circuses.

At sunset a boy came up to the water. Curious Kiki
swam up to him and begun to gaze as he had never
seen such a small person before.

"They want to send you to the circus,
I've seen dolphins there!" The boy said to
Kiki, "people think dolphins are happy to
perform, but I saw that this was not true.
They were unhappy and sad in captivity."

It may seem to us that dolphins like to perform in the circus, but
it is not true! They are kept in captivity and very often treated
badly. They are made to do tricks before they are given food and
sometimes even get hurt.

The boy cut off the nets and set the dolphins free.

They were playing and jumping in the sea very happily,
whistling and chattering to the boy. The dolphins were
thanking him.

The boy was the son of a fisherman, and of course he knew
that the grown-ups would not like what he had done.

This boy is not the only one. Many people want to stop the
violent treatment to dolphins, just like he did. There are
teams of scientists that help dolphins to return to the sea
when they get lost and find themselves on the shore. There
are International organizations that teach people around
the world to save dolphins. In some countries, there are laws
defending their rights.

"What have you done?!" The boy
heard his father say.

"Papa, I don't care if I'm
punished! I could not do it any
other way! What you do is so
cruel! They must live in the sea,
their home..."

Although the boy was already big, he
began to cry. His father felt sorry for
him, he understood his son. He asked
the other fishermen to forgive the boy,
and they left for the village.

Nowadays most people treat
dolphins with respect and care. The
best way to watch them is in the sea,
their home. It is very interesting to
study dolphins, their habitats, their
lifestyle, their ways of
communication, both with each
other and other animals.

When Kiki finally returned to his mother, he did
not want to leave her side even for one minute.
But after some time he began to swim further
away and play with his friends

One day Kiki asked his mother "mummy, what
are they like, the people? Are they evil? As the
ones that caught me? Or maybe are they kind?
Like the boy who released me, he is human too…"

"People, like dolphins, can sometimes do
cruel things, and sometimes do good
things." This was the answer of Kiki's

Dolphins and people are so
alike! And we have many
things to learn from them.

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